May 1, 2019
Tour Day Etiquette
You’re riding with a LOT of other people — please follow these important rules so everyone can have a safe, fun time:
- Wear a helmet. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. If you don’t, you will be asked to leave the Tour.
- Please don’t wear headphones. NY State Law allows you to wear one earbud, but it’s especially important in a ride of this size to be completely aware of what’s going on around you. And anyway, we’ve got tons of bands and other performers lined up along the route to provide the soundtrack, so leave those earbuds at home.
- Look around and take in the incredible views of NYC, but more importantly, know what’s going on all around you. If the riders in front of you slow down, slow down. If they stop, stop. If someone swerves into your path, try to avoid a collision, but don’t swerve into someone else’s path. Be mindful of your place and pace on the road.
- Ride on the right, pass on the left, and when passing, always ring your bell and call out, “On your left!”
- Be courteous! We’re all here to have a good time, celebrate something we love, and show our support for free bike education. Remember that this isn’t a race. You will encounter riders of all abilities. Be patient, gracious, and encouraging.